Adolescent Gynaecology
Serious gynaecological pathology in children and adolescents is rare. However, gynaecological symptoms are relatively common, and it is important that all gynaecologists can make a correct assessment and plan appropriate management.
Looking after children and their families requires specific and sensitive skills, even more so when dealing with adolescent patients.
Menstrual disorders in adolescent girls are probably common, although exact figures are not available as teenagers are reluctant to present due to embarrassment as well as a lack of knowledge about what is normal.
Dysmenorhea in adolescent gynae
Pain during menstruation may have a significant impact on schooling and examination performance. Earlier periods may be pain free and painful menstruation usually occurs on establishing regular ovulatory cycles. Pain is attributed to higher levels of prostaglandins and so anti-prostaglandin drugs such as mefenamic acid can be very helpful. Suppression of ovulation with the combined oral contraceptive pill is very effective in making periods less painful and lighter.
Whilst most girls respond to these treatments those who fail to do so need further evaluation.